Energetic Blog

(best viewed in landscape)

When on the road, I encounter some amazing things. As I move about, I’ll try and capture some of the stunning beauty, people, and remarkable adventures from time to time and post them here.

Peace and Love ~ Glen

Downtown Seattle Time Lapse


A recent journey I never could ever imagine… ( forgive any typos you may find, I generally write in real time and often on the move too. Editing is in progress)

I am celebrating this July, 35 years of my internal martial and healing arts journey.  As many know I started upon this journey purely for fun and it took on a more serious tone when my back was severely injured in a car accident long ago. I then started on the path of learning the art of healing myself ❤️‍🩹.  

This then lead to meditation, nutrition, Rinpoches, Masters, Grandmasters and more.  Magically and now on it’s own this trend continues to this day.  Along the way over the years I only searched out 3, of the many listed and not listed instructors and practiced like crazy over the years,

But something truly amazing happened a little over 2 years ago that completely altered my path, cool thing is many of you can attest to this happenings as many who have hung with me have witnessed this as well. Nature and Mother Earth and the “woo woo” lol stepped in and directed my attention to something way larger than I ever imagined. But more about that later.

Over the years of training many have personally discovered the connection between “grounding oneself” while engaging in qi gong and tai chi within meditation and how the animals somehow get attracted to it as well and start to show up. 

One of the first people I ever trained in Santa Monica, CA, saw a dog pull its owner towards them and suddenly wrapped his leash around the legs of the person I was training in the middle of exercising. It was so startling to me , we all laughed; while the owner apologized profusely and said “ he has never ever done such a thing like this, ever”.  Our laughter and fun by this dog within one of my first training sessions prompted to me to laugh a little. I quickly learned , learners learn a bit faster with this lite energy.

I too was very perplexed by that occurrence but soon found out that birds, dolphins 🐬, squirrels, deer etc were somehow attracted to these unusual movements and energy as well.

Since that time long ago it only increased and I began to wonder:

‘What exactly is going on here?’  

None of the ancient text nor Masters I knew and studied with ever spoke about this phenomenon, so me being me I couldn’t  just chalk it up to being a “Big Mystery” or that I am personally doing something special to attract these strange ordeals.  But for whatever the reason, animals seemed to be attracted to the energy of people doing these things. And so I began to study energy, both my own and not of my own. Hence the name “Energetics”.

I was on my own. There were no instructors or masters to consult with about what myself and others personally witnessed often within nature. In fact, I rarely mentioned it, at the time is was just a bit too weird even for me. I only mentioned it sometimes with close friends. 

 But what did pop out in my memory was an ancient Taoist text I have, speaking of the energy of the earth and sky and how man is one of the few beings ( besides plants and trees) that stand upright to absorb these energies if he or she so chooses. 

 I also took to  heart what an internal martial arts Grandmaster mentioned while training me in Qi Gong. I‘ll never forget his words….  “ feel the thickness of the air”. That saying stands out like gold amongst the many years of face to face lessons from so many notable masters even to this day.

I began practicing feeling the thickness of the air for years and then  started doing this without any formal internal arts moves, and lo and behold …more unusual occurrences began to arise.

I also began to see over many years that is was best to do this without any desired result. It seemed by wanting something to happen produced often what I call “mind interference”. It was enough to just be aware of the energy of the air and whatever happened or not was perfect. It is often mentioned in Tai Chi Chuan circles as well that Tai Chi is like “swimming in air”.

Fast forward to my great  adventure of 2021 and 2022 where I spent nearly a year and a half traveling all over and visiting some of the most beautiful places imaginable. I was also on a mission of going through all my training all over again like never before.

All by myself I spoke very little, except of course when visiting friends along the way and clients. And then… it started happening again, the nature/animal strange occurrence thing, but this time unlike anything I had previously experienced, combined.

Beautiful landscapes, rainbows galore, uncanny natural beauty and often hearing from locals mentioning in some cases for 40 years or more of living there, that they have never seen anything like it before.

Deer, eagles, squirrels and very unusual animal happenings popping up and getting closer as if we were long lost buddies. Along my travels many other odd perceptions and insights to things I could not possibly have known were coming forth.

I began to wonder, is it possible that in the air ( environment) all information needed is transmitted, if we just get out of our own way and mind and just be. This concept is not dissimilar to practicing Zen meditation.

I reasoned with myself, we live in a time where we know that invisible wavelengths do indeed exist.  Our human made devices, like cell phones, iPads, Bluetooth, WiFi and more prove this; as well as our knowledge of muons, neutrinos, gravitational waves and the like.  

Generally in  my travels I enjoy a great deal of time by myself and in places I know absolutely no one. To my astonishment I would meet people pretty much anywhere and we would chat about this very thing …all by happenstance. Often I didn’t not bring it up, they did. That’s never happened before to me, at least not like this, and being so far away, and none of this written but only in my mind, and in places I’ve never ever been to, seemed remarkable to me.

One such person I met while listening to live music. Randomly we talked, had a few beers and quickly became good friends. I am very happy to say we still are to this day 😃

I trusted them enough over time  to  share some of my deeper thoughts openly and the experiments I was practicing and my daily “woo woo” events. One day as we strolled through the park very very early in the morning animals, began to hang with us and get closer. 

We continued talking in detail about many unusual events that were happening to me and after a while it  was then they shared that they had the ability since a kid, to communicate thoughts without words. 

I had no reason to doubt them, for I knew their sincerity and kindness, but I had no proof of it and just chalked it up as ‘something I have no experience in, but thought it could be possible’ . They then asked if I would like to try it together.  

Of course the person  has to be “open” to it, which I was. I tried it like most things out of curiosity and fun to see if it indeed is possible.  I said yes and so we started. 

Here for the first time I was being taught by a person with no formal training at all in any area I have studied in for so many years.  And the kicker is they never studied in this area ether that they were training me in, and we did this together after they returned home….some 3000 miles away!  By phone! I was blown away. 

I felt I was getting closer to something completely new,  but I was not very clear on what that something is.. LoL. I still don’t to be brutally truthful.  But it was quite fun!

Meanwhile my internal healing, meditation, and internal martial arts training began take on a new level never before achieved. Now more animals and more people I never knew or met began to “sync up” with my thought processes. In realization, the animals seemed more curious about me. So much so that when other people would approach they often would back off quite a distance.

Granted I was away from big cities and in clear and open skies and oceans and the like, but it still surprised me.  

Early in 2022, I tweaked my back something fierce to the point where I couldn’t sit very well. But I walked a lot and began changing my meditation to feel the energy in my back and the air surrounding it a lot. What my friend shared with me had a profound effect on all other areas of my practice.  An added unseen and unmentioned bonus.

Intuitively I decided to practice healing meditation for  hours on end, and realized I needed assistance. I needed to amplify my internal healing to increase the “grounding” effect.  I did lots of lite exercises, for I was to tender to do full on energetic exercises, but luckily I was able to walk a lot, in nature.

 Not actively knowing where the thought entered I felt I needed some sort of crystal to help amply my energetic healing attempts. 

 I did know the fact that crystals amplify energy in all areas of life. From cell phones to laptops to even televisions and very expensive quartz watches and electrical equipment. And much much more.

I felt it couldn’t hurt to try, and did it along with sitting on the edge of chairs for many weeks to keep the awareness of the  “air” upon my back.  The experiments with a small hand held crystal I bought is a topic perhaps for another time. But after nearly a month, and a lot of practice I was healed and it was time to move on.  However, one thing I discovered was something even deeper that needed attention. It actually is what took the most time to my surprise. There was something deeper and the only thing I could chalk it up too, is a past deep trauma lodged deep inside my muscles. It felt old, if that makes any sense.

My next journey led me unknowingly to a Reiki Master who took a Qi Gong class of mine. I didn’t know they were into Reiki at the time, because they are very low key about it all.   I always think it’s super cool when peeps are unassuming and humble this way.

After our training together I had a very strong insight to investigate more into reiki for some reason. Mainly out of pure curiosity for I was taught similar techniques from another Qi Gong Master.

I began to investigate it in depth, bought all her ebooks via Barnes and Noble and studied like crazy. It is not something I actively do, but i have incorporated some methods in my daily life and personal practice.

Since that time we became good friends and meet often to chat and share often what’s spontaneously on our minds. 

Similar to my friend who has the gift of sharing thoughts without words, we both have this ability no matter how much time has elapsed to say things that we could not possibly know about each other or topics we discuss line up exactly. 

One such incident was when she had asked me to pull a card for fun that had writing on it. She drew a card for herself as well.

I read mine to her. And then we had a detailed discussion about that and various other things I rambled on about 😂

She then read her card, which I had not seen. We were both rather shocked as I basically said exactly what her card said in my rambles.

I left that afternoon thinking once again “what is going on?”

 Something inside knew it was all good, but logically the mind was confused and couldn’t figure it out. This happened in fall of 2023. 

Keep in mind , I was still invisibly practicing being grounded no matter where I went or what I was doing and continuing feeling the “thickness of the air”.

Since all the time that had elapsed over the years. I’ve been having just one a bit too many strange occurrences happening to even mention. 

Many have been caught on tape and photographs and often with others witnessing these events with me. 

After all these years of practicing these timed honored traditions for healing I have stumbled upon a new level of consciousness. There is no other word that comes to mind that describes these experiences.

  I was not really actively seeking this, at least not on the scale that is outlined above, but I did realize they were just a means, but never the end.  

Below is a paraphrase, I recently told another reiki master friend and excellent instructor just last week

A place where “consciousness and healing are somehow merged” I think is how I worded it to her.

In fact, I have began verbally mentioning to  a few clients and friends… healing and meditation/prayer are very similar actually.  With just a slight tweak of ones own internal energy is all it takes.

It’s not unlike playing a musical instrument daily and practice is always the key. I have seen personally that if someone is pretty good internally with meditation, learning to promote internal healing comes somewhat easier and naturally to them. 

For the first time recently since I started all this I was asked to share all that i know, I must say after all my studies and trainings I am onto something that I am literally astounded by and know I cannot directly train others in. Being a former educator I like sharing things that seem difficult or mysterious to understand and design courses to make it much easier to learn. But in this area, I have no idea where to start. 

This is the first time I mentioned this openly and in such detail here. Some methods are mentioned, but I honestly can’t say for certain what the results will lead to. Truly I have no idea how to even begin to train in this area and even if it’s possible. If I did, I would do it. The only requirement would be one would have to know without a doubt how to focus the mind.

 I am very green at this relatively new energetic discovery and any feeble attempt to train in this I will not venture into. As with most physical exercises I show others, I generally practice them daily for a minimum of 3 years before I began training others.

This however, is off the scale for me with no measure of time. All I can do is just talk around it.  But as most of us know, talk and experience are very different things. 

I will continue to train openly in the long traditions I was shown, to anyone who asks, no matter who they are and when feasible, where they are. 

However it is no longer  the main driving force in my internal arts life both within healing and inner awareness. My main focus has always been on preventative health both physically, emotionally and mentally within.. But this …haha whatever this is, is bigger than that, yet encompasses all that too I sense. 

LOL… no matter  where I am currently and physically I will continue to “feel the thickness of the air” have fun doing so and continue to practice enjoying life  and the people around me, no matter the circumstance. And this highly unusual and strange path I happily stumbled upon is a huge “wow” factor to me. With nothing physical to point to on its own merit, until it happens or not.

What the future lies for me in this area who knows. A very new concept for me as well. For generally when you start a physical energetic exercise or meditation method there is some sort of goal generally. Zen in my opinion, has a little different approach , which is my personal meditation favorite. It encompasses the concept of “no mind” . I approach meditation where there are really are no inner expectations, best I can.

 Sounds elusive perhaps,  but one thing I am certain of without a doubt, this thing I stumbled on is based upon a very subtle and fine vibration and frequency of sorts.

On a more practical and personal note, you may find me returning to my roots on some remote island 🏝️somewhere in the world doing an international reset purely for the fun and inner exploration of it all.

Meeting new and wonderful people who may perhaps have a talent and gift they know how to do, or not; but don’t make a big deal of it. Whatever may come I’ll be keeping an eye out always for people, whoever they maybe and also for whatever else decides to show up and co-create in the environmental air that surrounds us.

Yup you guessed it… just for the fun of it all. 

 Peace 🕊

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, / Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”  Shakespeare 

More Rainbows … 2024


Back in BC. Ten minutes after my arrival from the airport I look out the window and yup you guessed it, another rainbow.!

Okay, what gives ? 😄

Since 2022, I have seen and interacted with astonishing rainbows.
Too many now to be mere coincidence, but thus far all in Canada.

On 1-3-2024, another rainbow materializes this time in the US, in front of my home.

Kinda “woo woo” if I try to explain what’s “going on here”with the logical mind, But I think I got a sense of what is happening.

Hahaha or maybe not.

I think I might make a collage of all these rainbows following me 😁.
The most amazing ones are not posted online here, but one appears in a video on the site. Strange for sure but truly fun !

Happy New Year 2024 to You 🕊️


I very often run into remarkable moments. I have tons of videos and pics that have captured but a fragment of what I actually am witnessing. Every now and again I run into what another person mentioned to me as “magical”.

Moments that often leave me wondering… What was that? What just happened?

The picture below is of one of those moments.

On a recent walk on Vancouver Island BC. I noticed a rainbow forming, I pulled out my camera to take the picture you see above*. I snapped the picture and walked through the rainbow. As I turned around once I got to the bridge, it simply vanished right in front of my eyes.

It was indeed a magical day!

*slight color saturation processing was used to enhance this image

Update 11/23/23 White Light Bow? This also formed right in front me a bit further up the path, literally right after walking through the rainbow pic above.

What an amazing experience and memory 🕊

White Light Bow over water. BC

July 31st 2023

10 Years of a Journey Unknown: The Back Story of Citi Energetics

As I reflect on this July 2023, I realize it’s a month of great many events in my life.
It is the month that my father, sister and friend Patriarch of Zen, Roshi Sasaki passed. This is also the month a year later of those events, that I took decades of experiential knowledge and training and wrote the Citified Monk Handbook. Soon followed by CitiEnergetics (formally known as CitifiedEnergetics).

Initially, I started writing the CitifiedMonk Handbook in 2013 for my family.
Specifically for my son, as was the ancient tradition especially within Taoist studies to persevere and pass down a longevity secrets one has learned for ones family members.
It was one of the highest honors of ancient tradition of the time, to pass along health tips and practices within the family.

The spark for writing the book happened when I was approaching my 49th or 50th birthday; as a middle school principle asked me what I was doing that made me look so young for my age. Taken a back by the question and not knowing how to answer, I thanked her. I mentioned sheepishly it’s a little complicated.

I thought to myself, how do I tell someone that I am currently training and have been training for the past 6 months or so, for about 20 hours a week.

My training at that time included: Qi Gong, Southern Style Kung Fu, Taoist Tai Chi with a top Grandmaster within the internal martial arts field. In addition, on my own time I was going over other internal martial training styles I had learned a decade or so previously.
Not to mention, I continued studying the techniques I learned from my Tibetan lineage and spending time with a Master of Zen, and dear friends. I was also studying the ancient text associated within all these areas.
I even spent about 20 hours a week going over every detail of what I was currently learning, so to “make it my own.”

No, it was too complicated to mention all that, and have it make any sense.
It was tough at times for even me to understand what was driving me to do all this stuff.

Just that I knew it was fun!

I did not know what else to say to her. She however, persisted and said “well give me something, for you look great for your age”
I mentioned “drink lemon water if possible daily for a while.”
After a perplexed look from her, I mentioned, “look up the benefits of lemon on the body and water of course is key to good health.”

She smiled, thanked me and I exited.

On my way out, I thought “I have many, many techniques as simple as that one and I need to write all of this down.”

So I began.

I wanted to make it a simple, yet a visual treat for the eyes, so that anyone could at anytime during the day or night, simply pick a tip out of the Handbook and try to stick with if for 90 consecutive days. If not? Start over.

I choose 90 because of my own experience of truly learning a subject deeply or martial art move, or skill. And yes I have gotten to day 87 forgot and started over. Non Cool. Later on, in an ancient tai chi text I believe, it mentions that 100 days is recommended to get to the core of what one was learning. To start.

One thing for certain in writing of the Handbook, I was not to trying to simply repeat what I had learned from others.
I was leaning on my own intuition with this book and my goal was to incorporate ancient healing techniques within modern day science and city living.

This was the one thing I personally stumbled upon after decades of training with some masters; modern food choices and nutrition, science and health were not directly discussed.

Although anyone who has participated in some of the traditional ceremonies of old will run across some of the food and drink that are associated with such rituals and that have been passed down over the generations.
I found that some of these foods and drink have a profound effect upon gut health and profound nutritional effects upon the body.

I had sensed these food and nutritional traditions were key in establishing a strong link between body and mind energies.

Another thing I wanted to do when writing the Handbook, was to not advertise or lean towards a particular religion, or philosophy. It was a tall order seemingly, for often many people confused my personal research and studies with me promoting a particular religion, teacher or master.

Training Event 2017

Later, the first draft was complete. And since it was one of the hardest things I have done at that time ( to make it simple, yet deep and not miss a beat for anyone not familiar with these concepts or health ideas) I shared it with my father.
He was in the VA hospital full time due to health complications of his past from the Korean War.

My father was well read, educated and pretty open minded. I knew he would give me solid feedback. He also had an aversion to religion but, was always open to learning about what he didn’t know. A perfect first candidate to my writings.

After reading my first draft, he was quite surprised and he liked it. My dad wouldn’t say things to placate me, he was honest and told me what he thought.
He also noticed my health was at it’s peak at that time and said “finish this book!”
“Not only is it insightful you look great. Whatever you are doing keep doing it. But finish the book”.
My dad rarely told me to do anything, he was always about recommendation and strong suggestions. Except of course when younger and when I was a rascal; it was then he told me what to do.

I took it to heart, and realized there is more to do, more to tighten within the Handbook. I began on my second draft and was looking forward for him to read it, but very sadly he passed.
Remembering his words I began to rewrite the Handbook. To be honest it was harder than I realized, Ebooks were just hitting the market and I wanted this to be a coffee table digital handbook. I then realized I’d be at it for years if I produced all of what I had envisioned.

I then decided to just rewrite it and took off to the high desert in Nevada. I spent 6 weeks writing day and night as the knowledge I was trying to impart just flowed from me.
After about 6 weeks I felt it was ready. I then returned to the big city. I soon found out, I was not ready, and something felt off about the Handbook.

I quickly returned to the high dessert of Nevada.

But there was something incomplete about it. I could not put my finger on it for a long while, but something was off.

I then realized for this to truly be a Handbook, you should be able to just pick it up, take a tip and move on. I had some stories in previous drafts talking about some of the things the teachers and some masters would do or say. I found it didn’t fit, within it being just a Handbook theme. They were deleted.
A bigger problem was of what to call this wholistic system I had wrote out.

For it definitely was not Zen based, nor Taoist or Tibetan based; although this was a great part of my training over a couple of decades.

It wasn’t until I was writing about nutrition and food which I describe as one of the hardest disciplines within …. Within what? I asked myself. As I made a dead stop upon typing, the phrase came out “CitifiedEnergetics!”. That was it. That’s what I’ll call this system.

Ironically, the title of the handbook had been established long ago: The Citified Monk Handbook. That was what I decided to called myself, mainly due to others finding out a bit of my studies, but not fully knowing what was going on.

I remember seeing a few cousins after my father passing, and over hearing them saying about me that he’s been to China and Japan. He speaks Japanese and is a Taoist, Zen monk and Tibetan.

Quite amusing actually, for I never have been to China or Japan. Nor did I speak the language, and I did not consider myself part of any of those religions. Although, I have done my home work big time in those areas, and had received lineage from a noted Tibetan Llama earlier in my studies.
I just let them talk; until I was asked directly about my affiliations. I responded hastily, “I am a Citified Monk!”

Morning Sunrise -Santa Cruz Island, Channel Islands California

I could see they had no reference to what I was speaking of, and were left wondering was that even such a thing. Even though I just made it up.
Me being me and avoiding labels, I rather liked that they were perplexed. So I, decided that would be the title of my writings.

One person even responded a certified monk? hahaha! Again I thought people hear and read sometimes what they want to hear and read’. But I really didn’t mind.

The book was released with many, many copies given out for free. I was more interested in sharing what I learned then making money. Very shortly after I had published it, I worked with a web developer friend and colleague to produce the website.

The website was really a companion to the book; where the videos and more in-depth writings that I couldn’t fit into the book went towards the site. I knew I would update the site overtime, and get into exactly what Citi Energetics is.

Well now after nearly 10 years, ( I started training others of what I was about to release in the book about a year or 2 earlier) it has grown far past anything I could have ever imagined.

Along this unknown journey, I continued to train and study with many more internal martial artists and healing arts teachers and masters. It was really fun and a good way for me to stay out of trouble. It also expanded my inner and outer knowledge of the internal healing arts way past anything I could ever think of, or originally trained in.

When I started training more people I decided to up the ante and bring natural settings into the mix, the true healer in my opinion.
I began sharing the places, islands and settings, I myself spent years earlier. Silently training on my own.

So what’s next? To be honest I am not exactly sure. Although it’s getting a bit clearer now.

I often think a decade is a long time within all my experiences, and that all of this has surpassed my wildest dreams. I have taken this year mainly to stop and look at what I have done and to practice new techniques I have learned over the last 2 years. And to celebrate my recent grandson.

Not a time to gloat haha no, but it’s good to take a deep breath after such a long journey. I feel its time to look back a bit and reflect on all that has happened within this area of my life.

Thoughts of retiring from training publicly for now come up , and the fact that Covid did change everything of how I view energetic health. I am also learning more cool stuff and I continue further to expand the system of CitiEnergetics.
While I love training others, I’ve been doing it in my other fields of study for a very long while.

Perhaps a long break is needed ?

I often feel this year that I have reached a point that there is something much greater and focused than all of these past and present experiences combined. I can sense this for sure, but it’s a bit of a mystery to me as well.

Who knows at this point?

One thing is for certain, I never sought to have a following.
Nor to be known as a healer or spiritual teacher even though I do admit hesitatingly, it is a big part of who I am.

In fact perhaps, all those ancient Taoist tales of sages of the past going out of their way to just be like everyone else had more of an impact on me than I ever thought.
I like it that way actually. For I am truly now, just being me.

From one perspective, I knew who I was before meeting any of these teachers and masters and I liked who I was. There is always room for improvement of course.

But I honestly felt no need to change or adopt behaviors, that don’t feel right within my heart. No matter who I was training with. I already knew what I was looking to learn before I showed up.
Of course refinement is always welcome, and I gladly welcome adjustments and learning something new from anyone.

I am so glad I was able to meet and learn from these teachers and masters.
Over the 30 plus years, a few of the masters have passed and transitioned on.
One thing I have vowed to myself, is to honor them by keeping what was taught to me unchanged and authentic. And to remain humble and work hard to stay very low key about all of this.

After a while it all became something that I do, that I feel and that I am. It’s not something to make a big deal about. Although, I am deeply honored by the training wisdom and friendships, I have learned and experienced.

But for now …who knows?

With my roots as an educator, I guess it’s in my DNA to remain open to share with anyone, who wants to know more about these internal healing and internal martial arts techniques.
In addition, I will always remain open to learning from Everyone on the planet I meet.

Learning is truly endless within the internal arts no matter how advanced one gets, and that’s just fine by me.

– Glen

June 1st 2023

On Friday June 2nd 2023 marks the launch of the presentation Free Your Mind Friday: Natural Settings

The idea behind the Free Your Mind Friday Video Presentation and series dates back to late 2020. (Note: Time flies. I originally thought it occurred in 2021)

I was training a client who was diagnosed with prediabetes from their doctor. They initially came to me asking what they could do personally to avoid becoming full blown diabetic before their next doctor appointment, which was scheduled in a few months.

It was a good challenge and prompted me to do more of my own studies and research further into diabetes; which remains a huge health crises in the US.

After coming up with a health routine I thought could help, (which included a dietary review and suggestions), I set up a series of internal marital arts training forms that would target certain organs that I thought could use a boost to help.

These particular exercises were also designed to help the mind and body focus on healing.

One thing I started to do, once my client began to learn the forms…was change up the scenery and add simple techniques that could be utilized while immersed in nature.

One day, I had called to inform my client I had scheduled a road trip to visit an old friend and that we would take a little 2 week break. They seemed a little discouraged as we were to pick up a couple of weeks later; but I gave them much homework to do while I was gone.

(I had learned from previous training experience that a little break after training hard is always welcome. It also helps the learner gauge better for themselves what they have learned both internally and externally)

Carpinteria, California

As I began my road trip, I stopped at one of my favorite beaches, I was daydreaming and picturing my client at work dealing with some of the covid office drama that was taking place at that time. I decided to produce a small short video to send , to see if it would help ease a little tension on a Friday in the big city.

The initial video was to have no voice or music at all.
Just natural sound. I then pieced it all together on my phone later that afternoon and sent it.

Well, the feedback I got was overwhelming! So, I decided the following Friday to send the video to a few more people while they were stressing out on stuff on a Friday in their office. I got the same response about how relaxing it was to view the short nature shot.

To this day, I get reminded every now and again, about the clip I sent on a Friday from my client and friends. I guess the timing of the video was spot on. By the way the good news is, my client got out of the pre-diabetic stage after doing a tremendous job sticking with the program we started. YAY!!!

So that was how the Free Your Mind Friday video series got started:

Heres the video for your viewing pleasure along with a few suggestions before viewing.

Viewing tips for Free Your Mind Friday Series and the first ever video , that started it all.

Happy Friday !

Personal Solo Silent Reset* July 4th – 13th 2022 

September 19, 2022|BC

After much traveling, hiking, training, celebrating, working and focusing on my inner vibrational healing patterns here in British Columbia Canada; an associate mentioned  Bethlehem Centre in Nanaimo. Since at that time I was looking for another retreat center I could come to often and possibly bring clients and friends as well.

After an initial visit and meeting with the lovely staff, I felt it was the perfect spot for me to completely unwind, set up an internal reset and immerse myself in the natural surroundings. I was here to complete an internal vibrational octave that was a long time in coming and continue forward. This was the place to complete that octave, and start on the new harmonic I was feeling.  

 I  wanted to fully  explore the massive grounds and 5km walk around Westwood Lake but wanted to add another element that was fitting to me for the times today.  do it all in silence, which the Centre implemented for solo travelers during the pandemic I believe. I practiced energetics at 7am and 7pm ( informal invites if people wanted to participate), meditate 2 hours a day, read, rest  write, and do absolutely no computer work and stay off the phone, daily.

There were other people on site as well. Indeed it was quite full but you wouldn’t know it, its a big place and it seemed everyone was in silence. Perfect!

The last remaining 19 Sisters from Saint Ann’s Academy of Victoria, to name a few were my dinning mates  for breakfast, lunch, and dinner; although I generally sat alone or with one other outdoors but,  we were all in silence!  

It was just what I had internally ordered from my own doctor 😉  but me being me I love to smile with my eyes and thus daily as I sat outside on the patio to dine there was a  familiar energy now connected to the meal, happiness and smiling. 

It was rather intense in nothing but the best of all ways!

During my daily work outs I was able to really get into a deep very clear focus where the movements become secondary and effortless. You know all is flowing pretty well when you warm up internally early into your workout and just get into the surroundings. 

It felt really good to just practice and there is nothing but the air, sensations, and energy flowing in and out to dance with as your only thoughts are on the song bird, or beautiful seemingly painted nature settings right in front of your eyes with a wonderful view of Westwood Lake (see digital photos above).  Such a nice sensation to know not even you yourself, could get in the way of such beauty. 

 One evening workout, a sister of St. Annes Academy was sitting nearby where I normally start before I arrived. We ended up doing some Qi Gong together and we both were unusually uplifted afterwards by meeting each other. It was a pleasantly strange training for sure.

When she departed, I continued with my exercises, but then a thought struck and announced maybe you should look into reiki. A fleeting, but direct thought ( I know the difference) and vowed to look into it again at a later date, for clues for something I am working on.   I was familiar with reiki, as I have trained reiki practitioners and masters in qi gong techniques as a way to strengthen, scatter, focus and heal energies within their own personal practice. But here’s this thought popping up in my head. I continued with my exercises and rested that evening. 

 The next morning as I went for my daily walk in the woods,  I had one of the highest vibrational experiences I can remember in recent years and it was quite overwhelming and wonderful. That’s really all I can say about that one. Lol, Really no words can describe the joy and insight received.

Later in the evening as I went  for my evening workout by the lake, I had noticed the sister I had trained with the evening prior, sitting waiting to talk it seemed. 

 We both were rather delighted to share our (to my astonishment)  amazing vibrational experiences within the 24 hours of meeting each other.  She thanked me very much for helping her within her practice and my insights I shared with her, it was then that she revealed to me, she was a reiki master.

We spoke enthusiastically and in detail about both of our training, background and healing abilities, studies and stories for about 2 and a half hours. The beloved sister has since then gone on to become a very dear and close friend.  

Also during this time at the Centre, I  made fantastic connections with the staff and people there; although it was a silent retreat. We managed. For sure being there was a very magical way to spend time immersed in nature and connect deeply on many, many levels within and without. 

 Bethlehem Centre is a truly remarkable place for me  to return to, and share with colleagues and friends. 

Till next time!


All writings are the experiences and ownership of Glen Cornish.

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